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Cookies we use on this site

A cookie is a small portion of data (text file) that a website, if visited by a user, can store on the device used for browsing to remember some information, such as the preferred language or login data. If cookies are set directly by the site you are visiting, they are called first-party cookies. Third-party cookies may also be used, i.e. cookies sent from a domain other than that of the website you are visiting, for example for targeting and profiling purposes. Below is the detailed list of cookies we use on our website. Remember that you can always choose which categories of cookies can be installed on your device (except for strictly necessary cookies, which are installed by default) by clicking on the "Manage preferences" button, located at the end of this page, or via the specific function of the browser you are using, as specified in the point "Enable/disable cookies via browser".

Strictly necessary

These cookies are necessary for the functioning of the website because they enable functions to facilitate navigation for the user, who for example will be able to access their profile without having to log in every time, or they will be able to select the language in which they wish to navigate the site without having to set it. every time.

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These cookies, which may be first or third party, allow us to collect information on the use of the site in order to measure and improve its performance, for example in terms of structure, navigation logic and content. They help us, for example, to know which pages are the most and least popular and to see how visitors move around the site.

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These cookies, which may be first or third party, are used to track your browsing and create profiles regarding your tastes, behaviors and choices, in order to send you targeted messages in relation to your interests and in line with the preferences you have. manifested in online browsing. If you do not consent to the installation of these cookies, you will not receive advertisements in line with your preferences.

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TThese cookies allow the site to provide advanced functionality and personalization. If you do not consent to the installation of these cookies, some or all of these services may not function properly.

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